Aristavelės dvaro mokymai

Jau rytoj, spalio 24 d. (antradienį) 9:00–12:00 val. kviečiame prisijungti į tęstinius nuotolinius EEE projekto Keliaujantis Aristavėlės dvaras – KAD" mokymus, kuriuos anglų kalba ves dėstytojas Johan Barstad iš Hogskulen for Grøn Utvikling (Norwegian University College of Green Development).



  • Tourism and sustainability w focus on museums.

Think Global – Act Local... Means power to local level

Means 'owners' of museums (authorities) must work from their local basis(es)


  • Norway – municipal approaches to UN SDGs


  • Traveling Museum. "Barefoot-curators"

Interlinking museum with small scale local initiatives/small businesses

The Osterwalder-Pigneur method


  • Example: Unesco W.H. of Geiranger

Over use, exploitation, encroaching

'in bed with an elephant'

"The inward-looking visitors center"


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